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Namibia -

Dream destination for adventurers from all over the world

Namibia: One of the most fascinating countries in the world with its imposing nature and wildlife, its expanse and untouched wilderness, That is our home.


Location: The SurvivalZone© Wilderness Academy is located in the heart of our private, 100 square kilometer Ondjou Wilderness Reserve in the Kunene Region, northwestern Namibia, in the middle of the savanna far from civilization.


Ideal conditions for ranger, survival and outdoor training - the benefits of training at the SurvivalZone© Wilderness Academy at our Ondjou Wilderness Reserve are:


Real wilderness - with a great variety of fascinating landscapes, mountain ranges of up to 1600 meters above sea level, large rock areas, bush and tree savannah, grasslands and gallery forests along large, dry river beds (wadis).mountains, and invigorating wildlife, habitat of leopards, lions, hyenas and elephants ... a true survival zone in a vast uninhabited training ground, that is the Ondjou Wilderness Reserve.


Africa's Wildlife: The Ondjou Wilderness Reserve is a 10-square-kilometer, intact African eco-system that protects wildlife, while being used responsibly for both photo-safaris and selective hunting. In addition to numerous smaller species, it hosts a variety of antelope species, the rare mountain zebra, warthog and Nguni wild cattle. Large predators are leopards, cheetahs, lynx, brown and spotted hyenas and - sometimes- even lions. Desert elephants often live and migrate through this wildlife sanctuary.


Ideal climate: Semi-arid climate. Year round ideal conditions for outdoor and wilderness action in the harsh conditions of the mopane savannah. Being close to the pre-Namib desert we can offer training courses in a variety of landscapes and vegetation zones, savannah, steppe and desert, including arid and semi-arid mountainous regions.


Freedom without restrictions: No prohibitions are restricting our ranger and survival training. All needed and realistic scenarios can be perfectly simulated.


Gun Training: No restrictions or conditions. Shooting ranges for all calibres and all distances up to long-range shooting of 1000 meters distance and more.


Hunting and hunting training even for non-hunters is possible for survival sportsmen and sport shooters, also with the hunting bow.


Unparalleled adventure and nature experience through training in Namibia's wilderness, in a fascinating, typically African landscape, surrounded by wild animals.


Fantastic accommodation in our stylish lodge with a large swimming pool, excellent food, friendly service and all the necessary comforts.


Namibia Safari: The opportunity to combine the training with an adventurous Namibia photo safari.


Ondjou Guesthouse in the bush: With our exclusive lodge as "base camp", we offer our participants great training and living conditions in the middle of Namibia's fascinating nature. Our guesthouse is not a public accessible lodge, but exclusive accommodation for our guests and students and during the courses reserved for them. As a result, we are "completely among us" throughout the entire program.

Ondjou Lodge can accommodate up to 12 guests in comfortable en suite rooms. A large swimming pool, cell phone, internet and whatsapp reception, 220 volt environmentally friendly solar power, good food, friendly service and a private atmosphere increase the comfort for the guests.

Ondjou Lodge also includes our large, fully equipped auditorium for up to 20 people.


Tent and wilderness camps: The accommodation during training is usually in the guesthouse, but on request or for training reasons, overnight stays can take place far away in the wilderness, without any comfort, up to extreme survival conditions.

Crime+Terror Survival (CTS) Training Area: In the deep bush against a picturesque backdrop are our shooting ranges for close quarters shooting with rifles, shotguns and firearms, and a fixed 600 meter track for long-range shooting. For self-defense and close combat training, various stations are available. We have an arsenal of dummy weapons as well as real weapons of all kinds to make the training as realistic and effective as possible. Otherwise, the CTS training takes place in various wildly romantic locations in the wilderness reserve. Ground fight and throwing techniques can be safely and stylishly trained in the firm sand of the dry rivers, on a large canvas tarpaulin. Wildlife observations are always possible while exercising. These conditions alone make the training a special adventure. 

The Adventure of a Lifetime !

All of our guests and attendees are thrilled with our unique African Wilderness School - and our Ondjou Guest House as a "base camp" of comfort, style and awe-inspiring atmosphere. - Visit us and experience an unforgettable and incomparable Africa adventure.


Wild und

ungezähmt:  Elefanten, Leoparden, Hyänen, Löwen....

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Die grosse

jadliche Freiheit 


Jagd auf

"Die Wilden 13" - die

bodenständigsten Wildarten Namibias


100 qkm Wildnis

in Privatbesitz





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Tierwelt und


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Jagd auf




Das erlegte

Wild wird zur Selbstversorgung verwendet


Freie Wildbahn,

in der Wildtiere wie seit Jahrtausenden frei umherziehen

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We speak English too ! Please feel free to contact us for more info or a personal chat !

© 2019 Terra Africana Safaris cc

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